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Name: Dallas Scales
Date: 10/22/2013
Message: It was pleasure to meet you through Liberty, and enjoyed viewing what the Lord is doing through your life and the church. Stay faithful and focused! PDS, Greensboro, NC

Name: Minister Shirley Jefferson
Date: 12/11/2012
Message: Pastor Johnson, I pray God's blessings unpon you and all that he has called you to do. love you

Name: Nancine Dreon
Date: 02/07/2011
Message: Congratulations Pastor Teresa S. Johnson. Blessings beyond measure in every aspect of your endeavors and encounters with God Our Father

Name: Rev. Amy Walton
Date: 02/06/2011
Message: Your website has been a blessing and inspiration to me. Keep up the good work. May the Lord bless you, may He keep you, may, He make his face to smile upon you and give you peace (Num 6:24-26

Name: Tilda S. Davis
Date: 09/13/2010
Message: Thank you for being the vessel that "The Great I AM" uses to Minister to His People. You are an inspiration to me!

Name: Rev. Bessie L. Taylor Jett
Date: 04/28/2010
Message: What a powerful and right to the point ministry and webpage. Keep up the great work in the Kingdom for God. Love and Blessings. Pastor Bessie L. Taylor Jett Church Without Walls Ministry, Inc. Huntly, VA

Name: Brenda Williams
Date: 09/10/2009
Message: Teresa, it was nice talking to you this morning. You are right; we have a lot of catching up to do. You have been quite busy. This is a wonderful website and you're doing wonderful things in your women's ministry. I'll call you soon and I'll talk to you about making a contribution.

Name: Jane W. Dyer
Date: 08/24/2009
Message: Many times blessed and still loved!

Name: Minister Christy Johnson
Date: 07/07/2009
Message: This is more than AWESOME!!! Continue to glorify God in all that you are doing. Love Ya, Christy

Name: Jennifer Watson
Date: 06/16/2009
Message: This AWESOME!

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